Bringing STEM to your community

We are the bridge that connects the Not-Yet-Reached STEM students to STEM professionals.

Why Support STEMGyms

The challenge is real! Employment in STEM occupations has grown 79% in the past three decades. But opportunities for STEM employment does not reach every community. STEM Center of Excellence, aims to introduce STEM Gems in the “Not-Yet-Reached” communities of Baltimore. Your donations today will bring STEM employers into the communities of the Not-Yet-Reached

Let’s make Baltimore, STEM Literate!!

Donate Today


2022 Inspiration All Star award winner, Eric Davis. Watch his interview to understand how VEX Robotics is a critical component to a STEM Education to Employment EcoSystem.


One week Summer Programs

The Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS) program is accepting registrations for students 7-12th grades to attend a one week STEM program at one of four locations. The new location at Morgan State University is also looking for a High School student to apply to become an Assistant Near-Peer Mentor.

Seats are filling fast use the QR code to register for a one week session.
